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GAIR | Fastest revenue of over 10 billion dollar company in the top three, with Google, Facebook, and its

![Alt GAIR Fastest revenue of over 10 billion dollar company in the top three, with Google, Facebook, and its](https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7696/28821418402_def0449b2b_b.jpg)The morning of August 12, CEO of kingsoft and Jin Shanyun, Zhang Hong-Jiang, published at the CCF-GAIR Conference, entitled intelligence, data, presentation of the cloud. As a representative from academia to industry, Mr Zhang Hong-Jiang by millet album face recognition feature, tells the story of how data-driven research and development. End of the presentation, he will now return to the industry, about the importance of data and cloud computing to small and medium enterprises, and suggested that Jin Shanyun Amazon AWS, China wants to be. Valentino iPhone plus caseAlt Valentino iPhone plus case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUCmAC5WsEM He said in his speech, the last 10 years, fastest revenue of more than $ 10 billion in Internet companies there are 3, two of which are public are familiar with Google and Facebook, is a 2C company. Third is the Amazon AWS services. According to Amazon's latest earnings over the past 12 months, the AWS business revenue reached US $ 9.9 billion (nearly 10 billion).In his view, the AWS and Amazon's large-cap business continued to grow, illustrate the value of the bullish market for cloud-computing company. Golden Hill poured in the cloud business, it is hoped that in cloud computing, there is a big role.Actually wanted to make Chinese companies not only in the Amazon AWS Jinshan, aliyun and Tencent is most currently on the market, in addition to the Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure and other world-class players have by way of joint ventures to enter the Chinese market. Who can take the lead in China's market of more than 10 billion yuan of income? Worth the wait. Valentino iPhone 6s cases